7 Strengths Picks for International Literacy Day 2017

This International Literacy Day, we celebrate the strengths of readers all around the world, and the strengths that stories give us. We believe that literacy is about so much more than decoding, spelling, and composition. Literacy is the tool we use to understand the world around us and create new worlds all our own. Young people can read stories of courage and share their own stories of hope. Books can satisfy our curiosities and guide us towards new questions. Writing a poem can help us find confidence in ourselves, a kind note can be the building block of a friendship. Literacy lets us know we belong.                      

Our 7 Strengths framework goes hand-in-hand with the kind of literacy that changes lives. Check out some of the latest additions to our 7 Strengths Library (courtesy of our interns!) and join us as we honor the transformational power of literacy.                


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Belonging: Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima

As Kelp tries to find his true home, he learns that family doesn't have to look like you or act like you--they just have to love you. 

Curiosity: They All Saw A Cat by Brendan Wenze

This clever picture book shows the importance of perspective and imagination as a curious cat explores it's surroundings.                                                                                                                                                                                     

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Friendship: Together Always by Edwina Wyatt, Illustrated by Lucia Masciullo

Together Always follows best friends Goat and Pig as they find their own way and prove that true friendship can go the distance.

Kindness: We're All Wonders by R.J. Palacio

Based on the memorable characters from her bestselling novel, Wonder, R.J. Palacio teaches us all to always choose kind. 

Confidence: Despite the Height by Ivory Latta and Charles R. Smith, Jr., Illustrated by D.J. Coffman

Despite the Height shares the true story of WNBA all-star Ivory Latta, and teaches kids to preservere through obstacles and believe in themselves to reach new heights.

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Courage: Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall

Jabari is almost ready to jump from the diving board, but first needs some encouragement to embrace his fears in order to overcome them.

Hope: The Journey by Francesca Sanna

Through beautiful illustrations and writing, Francesca Sanna captures the challenges, strengths, and dreams of refugees starting a new life in a new land.


UNESCO's International Literacy Day is recognized annually on September 8. Learn more here