Vote For the "Be The Story" Project!

Sharing Student Stories Via Vending Machines in Detroit

A Community Thrives is a new funding opportunity through the USA TODAY NETWORK that supports creative solutions to communities' needs. LitWorld is partnering with The Head & The Hand Press for an opportunity to win up to $100,000 towards our "Be The Story" Project.

Our project asks the question: What if we switched bags of chips with stories in vending machines in schools? Stories written by the students, published as paperback booklets known as chapbooks? The Head & The Hand Press is partnering with LitWorld to make this idea a reality in Detroit. Together, we will host workshops where young writers will produce stories of strength and see them published and displayed in custom chapbook vending machines all over the city. Each school or community's chapbook vending machine will become a portal into the imaginations of its kids. Each story inside a shareable, swappable record of a young writer's vision. 

Voting is open from April 12-May 12 with a maximum one vote per person, per day. Cast your vote and be a champion for the students of Detroit and their powerful stories.