Spread Hope on #GivingTuesday

"Stories are light. Light is precious in a world so dark."
--Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux

Celebrate #GivingTuesday with LitWorld On December 1st. Together we can spread light in the world by bringing access to the joy and power of reading, writing and storytelling to children and whole communities around the world.

A gift of $20 to LitWorld can make big things happen in the communities where we work. Your generosity can send a child in India to LitCamp, or put books on the shelves of a community library, or support our year-round LitClub programs in one of the 20 countries where we work.

Lending your voice and support to LitWorld on social media (or by word of mouth) is an equally important #GivingTuesday gift. Use our sample posts to share LitWorld with friends and followers.

Sample Facebook & Instagram Posts:

Give the life-saving impact and pure joy of literacy on #GivingTuesday. Take action to help @LitWorld bring LitClubs and LitCamps to children across the US and around the world. http://litworld.org/givingtuesday

Every child deserves the magic of story, and the opportunity for literacy to change his life. A $20 #GivingTuesday gift to @LitWorld can send a child in India to LitCamp. http://litworld.org/givingtuesday

Reading and stories are the greatest source of hope, strength and joy. A $20 gift to @LitWorld on #GivingTuesday can provide a LitClub member in Colombia with books for a year. Spread the magic. http://litworld.org/givingtuesday

A $20 #GivingTuesday gift to LitWorld can introduce kids around the world to books that will inspire them forever. http://litworld.org/givingtuesday (Pair this post with a photo of a book that inspires and impacts you!)

Every child is born with a story to tell. Let's make sure every voice and story is heard and able to be told. Supporting @LitWorld on #GivingTuesday helps children become super readers and world-changing writers. http://litworld.org/givingtuesday

Sample Tweets

Today is #GivingTuesday! Bring the joy & power of reading to kids around the world. $20 to LitWorld goes a long way: http://litworld.org/givingtuesday

Spread literacy on 12/1 #GivingTuesday. With $20 LitWorld can fund a month of mobile library service in Pakistan: litworld.org/givingtuesday

A $20 #GivingTuesday act of kindness on 12/1 can send a child to LitCamp for one month. Literacy changes lives: http://litworld.org/givingtuesday