Tune in Monday December 17th for the First Ever LitWorld Fireside Chat

To mark the end of an extraordinary year, LitWorld's Executive Director, Pam Allyn, and Innovation Developer, Yaya Yuan, will host a Fireside Chat to share with you LitWorld's Top 7 Strengths Stories of 2012.

This Chat will happen on Monday, December 17th at 7pm EDT for 21 minutes. We invite you in for a close glimpse of our work through seven amazing, treasured moments that made us stop and give thanks for the work.

You will hear one story about each of our 7 Strengths: Belonging, Friendship, Curiosity, Kindness, Courage, Confidence, and Hope.

To listen, call: 1.862.902.0100
Access code: 155368

We would love to answer your questions about LitWorld and the work we do at the end of our chat. Email info@litworld.org or tweet to @litworldsays.