LitWorld in Haiti: Finding New Ways to Reach Children as Learners

In Haiti, grueling poverty and deprivation of rights, especially for girls, make it highly unlikely that these children will graduate from secondary school. LitWorld is finding new ways to reach them as learners. 

There is much sorrow in Haiti, and yet so much hope, and so many wonderful people working so tirelessly to bring the joy of learning to the forefront. People like Nadine Louis, seen here with Sue Atkins, Chair of LitWorld's Board of Directors. Nadine is the Executive Director of the TOYA Foundation, our lead partner in Haiti.

Our Innovation Hubs around the world represent our collaboration with partners on the ground who can bring LitWorld methodologies to life and convey this vision to many others in their local communities and countries. We are building reading cultures with their collaboration. We welcome our dear friends in Haiti as our newest Innovation Hub.

Read a full report from our time in Haiti on the LitCorps blog: