UN Women, Global G.L.O.W., and LitWorld Co-Host Twitter Chat on Aug 25

The HerStory Campaign, created and led by nonprofits LitWorld and Global G.L.O.W, invites you to our first twitter chat in collaboration with UN Women. Join us on August 25th, at 9am EST on Twitter to explore storytelling as a vital part of eradicating poverty, promoting quality education and ensuring #Planet5050.

Come together with the #HerStoryCampaign to start a powerful, long-term conversation, fueled by our signature storytelling strategies, that amplifies girls' voices so we can all deeply listen and take action together.

The Power of HerStory - Twitter Chat
Date: August 25th 2016
Time: 9 am EST




We will be asking the following questions throughout the hour to engage in thoughtful conversation around the role of storytelling in promoting gender equality. We encourage you to have your answers ready!

Q1. Why do we tell stories?
Q2. Why is sharing your own story so important?
Q3. What can our communities do to help girls share their stories?
Q4. Describe how the world would be different if we listened to the stories of every girl.
Q5. How can we make sure girls' stories are heard and respected?

Sample Q&A

@litworldsays: Q4. Describe how the world would be different if we listened to the stories of every girl.

@sampleuser: A4. When girls & boys voices are equal, we will achieve #Planet5050 and have a safer, better world for all! #herstorycampaign

Five Super Reader Commitments to Make the School Year Unforgettable

What are the best ways to start a new school year? LitWorld Founder Pam Allyn was asked to share her expert answer to this question over on Education Week for this week's edition of Classroom Q&A with Larry Ferlazzo. Here's Pam's advice for an unforgettable year:

The time is now to make a commitment to turn every child into a "super reader," to give them a sure way to become truly ready for the 21st century world and to experience the joy, pleasure and exaltation of an empowered reading life.

We can do this, first, by depathologizing the reading experience. We have "medicalized" reading instruction so that we are in a constant state of diagnosing children: leveling them, intervening with them, "pushing in" or "pulling out." The language we use to describe how we teach reading can be negative for children, and our methods for instruction can feel more like treating a disease than raising readers. At LitWord, I work with children across the United States and the world, and see children yearning for a positive reading experience, longing to join the literacy "club," and striving to become better at something they know will change their lives. The negative language of low expectations and intervention is inhibitive. It has prevented them from seeing themselves as super readers, from becoming aspirational in their reading goals, and from being bold and fearless in taking risks as readers. It has denied them a place at the reading table.

Click here for Pam's Top 5 Super Reader Commitments

News for You: Life-Changing Learning for Every Child, Everywhere

Summer has a whole new story.

Out-of-school months have a critical impact on children's academic success. Unequal access to summer learning programs accounts for over half of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth. By the end of sixth grade, children who lose reading skills over the summer will be two years behind their classmates. LitWorld is closing the summer literacy gap with our groundbreaking LitCamp program. We have partnered with Scholastic and school districts across the country to bring LitCamp to 25,000 children this summer. LitCamp re-imagines summer learning, combining the pure joy of camp with reading and writing experiences that affirm and enhance the strengths of every child. From New York City to Detroit, Austin to Oakland, we are making it possible for all children, no matter their zip code, to grow, thrive and strive as readers.

A read aloud on wheels.

LitWorld programs are renowned for the ease with which they can be implemented in communities in urgent need of literacy support. At over six million, Pakistan has the world’s second-highest number of out-of-school children. In rural communities, only 20 percent of girls go to school. LitWorld is responding to this crisis with our year-round LitClub and library programs. In the past year, we have opened two community libraries in Faisalabad and Khushal which serve hundreds of readers each week. To extend our support to remote rural communities, we launched a mobile library program with our local partner, the Seeds of Hope Foundation. Our message is that literacy is not optional: it is a lifeline. The link between literacy levels and positive health and economic outcomes is profound. Women with high literacy levels earn 95 percent more than women with no literacy skills. Our programs and library spaces are making the effects of reading and writing visible to parents and community members, and we are changing the value placed on children's education.

A LitWorld celebration on Martha's Vineyard!

Join us on Saturday, August 6th for cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and a celebration of the work LitWorld does to strengthen children and their communities through the power of literacy. Click here to RSVP and learn more.

Find Your Bookworm

Kisha Bwenge, Research & Development Intern

"My mother told me once that her greatest dream for me as a kid was that I would love reading, and she certainly got her wish. I remember the days I spent with my head lodged in the pages of my latest adventure. Dust never had a standing chance of collecting on my shelves, and I read all the time—every now and then taking a rebellious hour past bedtime to finish a chapter…"

This is how I opened my application essay to the Research & Development internship at LitWorld. I never imagined I’d be waxing poetic for a job application, but I decided it was appropriate considering I wanted to work for a literacy organization, and not to mention every bit of it is true! As a kid I was a total bookworm, and unabashedly so. I mourned the deaths of my favorite book characters during our lunch period at school, and would soldier through bouts of carsickness just to get through the last pages of a good novel. 

What this story leaves out, though, is that my bookworm days eventually faded into the ether. An identity that had defined me for so long--a reader--gave way to other things as I entered high school and eventually college. By the time I graduated this past May, I hadn't picked up a book for leisure in years. Actual years. Reading was hard, an extracurricular activity I barely had the time or the attention span for. I had assigned readings to complete, new friendships to maintain, leadership roles to strive for, and Netflix to binge on. I felt so busy, and reading for fun wasn't a priority. Catching up on 6 episodes of Game of Thrones is almost like reading A Song of Ice and Fire for 6 hours, right?

Anyway, when I got my internship at LitWorld, I feared they would ask "what's the last non-academic book you read?" and I would be forced to confess that I’m pretty sure it was the final installment in Stephenie Meyers's Twilight Series. And let me tell you, I didn’t think I’d ever be announcing that to the world.

So you may be wondering what being an ex-bookworm has to do with my time at LitWorld? Well, lately I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve gained from this internship, and I can say it’s been an amazing experience. I feel fully invested in the LitWorld mission because I’ve seen the powerful impetus behind the work we do: valuing the story of every child. I’ve seen this inspiration become an impact, and the joy that I’ve witnessed from the kids at our LitClubs and LitCamps is so tangible. The interns have also had the opportunity to meet innovative entrepreneurs, publishers, visionaries and professionals. We’ve dived into projects that are productive to LitWorld’s goals, and this has been anything but a get-coffee-and-print-copies kind of internship.

I’ve gathered technical, research and communication skills that I know I will take with me everywhere. But as the summer comes to a close, I’m finding that what I’ve gained most over these past seven weeks is an appreciation for the power of reading. Our focus on literacy as not just the ability to read words on a page, but to help develop one’s imagination, empathy, and sense-of-self, has reminded me of my long-lost inner bookworm. I’ve realized the impact reading had on my growth, and recognized the privilege of having the resources, as well as support from my mother, to love reading.

Having this in mind, along with the discovery that I don’t get enough cell service underground to scroll through my Instagram feed, I began reading on my 14 minute commute to and from work this summer. In those quarter-hour intervals, I've seen the Spoanoke Native American reserves through the eyes of a teenage boy, the magical realism of a Sri Lankan family history, and the struggle for racial justice in America through a letter to a loved one. Each time I board the A train, I look around at other riders who have opened their iPhones, Kindles, newspapers and hard covers, and I feel I have joined the not-so-secret club of subway bibliophiles.

And for the next 14 minutes, I think I've found my bookworm.

Get to Know the LitWorld Team: Ellie Smith, Development Coordinator

This week, Research and Development intern, Monica Nimmagadda, sat down to interview Ellie Smith, LitWorld’s new Development Coordinator. Ellie started last week and we already love having her here!

What’s your role at LitWorld and what brought you here?

I just started as a Development Coordinator, so I'll be supporting fundraising, working with our awesome supporters, and helping to plan events. I came from working at a non-profit independent school, so I was already interested in children's education and I wanted to stay in the non-profit world — the people you meet doing this type of work are amazing. LitWorld's definition of literacy was right in line with my thoughts, and I knew it would be the right fit.

What are you looking forward to? 

Reading and writing have always been incredibly important to me. I was (and still am) a bookworm. There's something about getting lost in someone else's story that gives you perspective on your own story. I'm excited to help bring that joy to children around the world. 

What’s your favorite children’s book and why?

My favorite children's book is "Ellie's Doorstep". The obvious draw for me was that the main character shared my name, and I loved seeing myself so clearly on the pages of a book. Ellie has a huge imagination. She spends her days on her doorstep, casting magic spells so her toys come to life, and playing with Sidney the Spider. I loved how Ellie lived in her mind, created her own fun and used her imagination so vividly without even having to leave her doorstep.

What’s your “six word memoir”?

A little adventure never hurt anyone

A Tale of Three Interns: Stand Up for Girls, Stand Up for Strength

Sara Davidow, Research & Development Intern

We’ve just finished our third week as LitWorld Research and Development Interns. Orientation is over. The real projects are beginning. We spend our days joining different meetings and working on inspiring projects. We get to think about everything from pilot programs that will be unrolled this summer, to long term visualization of where LitWorld will be ten years from now. We are working with an organization that is crucial to the ever globalizing world, while also being exposed to cool, passionate people in the 'City That Never Sleeps.'

On June 16th, we joined a staff meeting to brainstorm ideas for LitWorld's annual advocacy day, Stand Up for Girls (SU4G). SU4G coincides with the International Day of the Girl on October 11th. As an office of all women, we feel strongly about our younger community. Even more so, as an office of human beings, we are passionate about equal rights for all. We broke into small groups and shared our visions and ideas for the day. We discussed rolling out the official website of the HerStory Campaign, increasing our reach on social media, and including male allies to have sustainable change. However, a theme that I felt ripple through the room was about being unapologetic. It’s about standing up quickly, unafraid to rock the boat, to demand change for all the girls in all of our LitClubs all over the world.

It’s time to stop saying sorry. Too often I find that I preface my thoughts by excusing myself before speaking, as if my voice is an inconvenience for others. I diminish my ideas because of the ill-conceived notion that they are not of value. Sure, we must stay culturally appropriate, and sure, sometimes I’m actually expressing my apologies because of a situation or instance. More often than not, however, I am denying my strength. 

The room filled with anecdotes of how women are mistreated because of this inequality. Someone talked about Bye Felipe: the online channel where women can share the messages from hostile men on dating sites. Someone else mentioned how women are statistically less likely to get a job promotion than their male counterparts. Finally the conversation shifted to the Google Chrome extension which checks your browser page for words like “sorry” or "just" to strengthen your voice.

On October 11th, as well as every day before and after, I will Stand Up for Girls. I am trying to stop apologizing for simply being, and instead use my strength to advocate for marginalized girls worldwide. I encourage you, your best friend, your first grade teacher, and your grouchy neighbor to do the same. To make sure you get all of the latest SU4G updates, sign up for our newsletter here by scrolling to the bottom of the page and entering your email address.

In personal news, I’ve taken the wrong subway twice so far. I have unabashedly entered into the Hamilton Lottery (an online service that gives out twenty $10 orchestra seats for each night’s performance to see the musical that swept the Tony Awards this year) every single day. I’ve joined a trivia league with family on Wednesday nights, which I would happily miss, if I won tickets to Hamilton. I’ve signed up for all the free concert and summer events notifications. I have a friend that works in the building next to LitWorld’s and we meet for lunch in the City Hall park occasionally. 

Get to Know the LitWorld Team: Naomi, HerStory Campaign Coordinator

Last month, LitWorld and Global G.L.O.W. welcomed Naomi Meyer to the team to help deepen and grow the HerStory Campaign! Our Research & Development Intern Kisha Bwenge sat down with Naomi to learn more about her story.

What brought you to LitWorld and what do you do here?

I’m extraordinarily grateful and proud to be coordinating the HerStory Campaign because I believe the work we're doing is useful and improves the world for future generations. I’m passionate about literacy and compelling narrative as engines for social change, amplifying the voices of women and girls who are often ignored in the global policy discourse. Educating a girl growing up in a challenging environment and creating a platform for her stories of strength and resilience to be shared with the world (and actually listened to), is a meaningful way to ignite real change. 

As the HerStory Campaign Coordinator, I work for both Global G.L.O.W. (our California-based partner) and LitWorld (here in Manhattan), supporting operations of programs in developing communities around the world, maintaining consistent communication with local partners about training, project timelines, site visits, and budgets. I support the development and revisions to curriculum and collaborate on the creation of social media and digital content, processes data and anecdotes to support assessment protocols and share stories from the field. All while writing, researching, presenting, event planning, and grant writing/applying.

I'm originally from near Seattle, WA and have a background in international development and education: working as a community educator, teacher, non-profit case manager and researcher across New Zealand, Taiwan, Myanmar/Burma, Japan, Malaysia, and Burkina Faso. I'm deeply humbled and simply elated to be on the HerStory team!

Is there anything that has surprised you since you started working here?

Our WeWork co-working space is such a wonderful place to work. When I started I was delightfully surprised to see my beautiful desk, all the different choices in the shared kitchen, and overall amazing facilities that fuel collaborative work and creativity.

What is the last book you read? How did you like it?

I read everyday on my subway commute, so I usually have multiple books going at the same time. This week I finished The Girl in the Spider’s Web which was a gripping novel. I’m about halfway through re-reading Nomad a memoir written by the incredible Ayaan Hirsi Ali that I would highly recommend to all, and just starting reading Getting Things Done: the art of stress free productivity. I always love good book suggestions and lately I’ve been particularly interested in reading dystopian novels and powerful memoirs.

What is your “six word memoir”?

Grateful for this life I’m livin.’